Sunday, January 9, 2011

refLection: aLL abOut third quartEr:)

The first-half of the second semester is almost over. Few days more to go before the third periodical test.

How did I really spend my third quarter?!
Our focus for the previous months was all about the Microsoft Front page. In fact, we made our own front pages. We made one for Vigan City- all the things revolving around the heritage city. It took us many days, hours, minutes, seconds and much effort to do that because it was never easy to make one like that.

While making our front page, the biggest problem I've ever encountered was that, the computer suddenly shuts down even though I am not clicking on the shut down button. If I encounter that way, I'll restart the computer and I'll do what I've done unsaved, all over again!

Surpassing that challenge, I will not forget to save every single thing that I will make so I will not do the same thing again!


  1. i like reading your post . . . it's a nice post ^_^

  2. i like your post.. keep it up.. (=

  3. nice post keith:) hope you will never forget to save your files especially when their is something wrong in your computer.

  4. Nice post keith. You really are a good student. Keep it up! ..c:

  5. nice post .. i like it.. :))

    keep up :))

    good luck..

  6. yeah . your post is so great. i really apricaiate it. study harder.take care always!!gudluck!
